Thursday, March 26, 2009

Chapter 17 - End

"Last night I dreamed that we were swimming inside a map. On one side the river flowed to the border of Canada, a skinny blue green line wriggling in the distance. page 153"

I think this quote is a perfect way to end the last chapter. It bring together two of the biggest themes of the book: waters and maps. Earlier in the book, Nadira said that where she was from the water and land melt in to each other, and there is no difference between land and water. Earlier in the book she says that borders are blue squiggly lines on a map. Now she mixed both of these ideas together, with the additional theme of swimming, to show that she is making her way to the border. It is interesting that she said that could see a skinny blue green line in the distance, because you can't actually see a line when you get to a border. I think this dream symbolized everything she has gone through, emigrating from Bangaladesh, learning how to swim, holding her breath through those hard times, and finally almost getting to Canada. I think concluded the book in a good way, in addition to giving you a taste of what is going to happen in the last few pages.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Chapter 16

"Ma is most definitely not the same. She insists on wearing that purple coat everywhere, all the time, even when it's warm out. And she doesn't walk behind Abba as in the old days, but gently leads him along while he gets his strength back. 142"

As the quote says Ma has really changed. It seems like this purple coat is her confidence coat. For her it symbolizes the time when she had to be alone, and take care of herself. She is no longer the woman who stays at home all day. The one who's only friend is Rachael Ray. She has more social experience, and knows how to be with herself, and be comfortable with that. Do you think Abba is bothered by Ma's new confidence?

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Chapter 15

"They ask about how Abba is doing and how the case is going, and they know all about Aisha and how she may be valedictorian. 128"

We always talk about how Aisha and Nadira have changed, but I think this quote really shows how Ma has changed since we last heard from her. We left her on the curb in a purple raincoat. She was shy, and didn't want to stand out. Now she is talking all about a matter that both Nadira and Aisha have kept hush hush about, that Abba is in jail. She seems to be much more bold and social than she used to be.

Also, since we were talking about reactoins in Nickie and Robin's blog this weekend, I wonder how Ma and Abba will react to the whole Aisha's life is going down the tube situation. Ma is obviously VERY proud of Aisha, because she is telling people she doesn't know very well all about her achievments. I also think she was telling these people about Aisha because it was one of the only things she could be proud of right now.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Chapter 13 & 14

" 'If you know how to breathe, you can get through anything.'  116"

I think that when Abba said this to Nadira he not only meant that you can get through anything when you breathe, he also is talking about all the others skills he taught Nadira when they were at the pool.  Traits such patience, persistence, and knowing how to breathe.  I think Nadira seems like a pretty calm person overall, and maybe this will be a foreshadow to what is ahead.  Will Aisha and Nadira get into a sketchy situation and need to keep calm?  Or maybe even a situation where she needs to spy at people from under water?  Maybe she and her dad will make a great escape from the detention center in water!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Chapter 12

"I didn't even know that you could do something like that.  I sure didn't know a girl could do something like that.  106"

I found this quote really interesting, because once again we are given a look into how Nadira was brought up.  As we read earlier, Uncle doesn't think that women should be in charge of a household.  Nadria and Aisha were raised believing that women can't do everything that men can.  Especially at GMS where we are taught that women can definitely do anything that men can, it is interesting to see Nadira in this situation.  I don't necessarily think that Nadria doesn't think she is capable of being a Geologist, but she just didn't know that women Geologist were accepted in her community.  

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Chapter 11

" ' Before, you always took over, Aisha.  It's like you didn't have room for me' ... 'There's plenty of room, Nadira.  You just have to learn how to grab it.' "

I really liked this series of quotes, because I think it was really the major turing point for these two sisters.  It seems like this explains that in some way that Aisha didn't always mean to be overpowering, but she just needed to take up her part of the power pie.  (see image I made at below)  Aisha has been using her total potential power the whole time, and Nadira has it all, she just doesn't use it.  I noticed that after Nadira learned about her extra power left in the pie, she started to use it.  I noticed that she seemed much more brave and bold in the rest of chapter 11.  (including spying on Lilly's fathers second mystery family)

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Chapter 10

" 'It's all my fault.  I should have been able to convince them to let Uncle out'.  86"

I found this quote really interesting, because it was my one of my first chances to look inside a little deeper at Aisha.  This quote really opened my eyes to show me that Aisha can be insecure too, and that she isn't always strong like she wants us to think she is.  I am glad that I was able to notice this, because now I can feel like I can relate to her a little bit more.  I know when something bad happens to the people around me, I sometimes feel like I am to blame, even though it really isn't my fault.