Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Chapter 16

"Ma is most definitely not the same. She insists on wearing that purple coat everywhere, all the time, even when it's warm out. And she doesn't walk behind Abba as in the old days, but gently leads him along while he gets his strength back. 142"

As the quote says Ma has really changed. It seems like this purple coat is her confidence coat. For her it symbolizes the time when she had to be alone, and take care of herself. She is no longer the woman who stays at home all day. The one who's only friend is Rachael Ray. She has more social experience, and knows how to be with herself, and be comfortable with that. Do you think Abba is bothered by Ma's new confidence?


  1. I don't think Abba has noticed! I think that he's been in custody so long, and he's been out of contact with anyone for a while. It's too bad that she needed something like this to bring out her confidence. Do YOU think Abba is bothered? Do you think Nadira is?

  2. Hey, day and ray rhyme!!

    I'm not sure why this coat makes her feel confident, but I think it reminds her of becoming confident and getting through the hard times when Abba was in jail, and that gives her a boost. I don't think Abba is particularly bothered by Ma's new confidense, because it showed in this chapter that Abba is kind of still down in the dumps after Uncle and Aunt and Taslima leaving. He needs someone to help him to his feet and guide him around, and Ma is perfect for it now. I think Nadira appreciates Ma's confidence because it makes the apartment a little brighter since Abba and Aisha don't really do anything anymore.

  3. I agree with Alissa and Nickie. I think the coat makes her feel like she fits in, which is where Aisha has gotten it from. I don't think that Abba really minds or anything.

  4. I agree with Alissa(and nickie and sarah), Abba hasn't been with the family long enough to notice less noticeable things. I also think that Abba is a little less sensitive to women's strength than Uncle is. Uncle seemed to be very sensitive to women running the house and women taking over. Abba is a little more "modernized". Do you guys think that there is any other reason, besides detainment, for Abba not being aware of Ma's new confidence?

  5. I think that Ma's purple coat is like her protection blanket. Now that she has this purple coat she can disguise and be who ever she wants to. Nobody has to know what she looks like in the inside and it is up to Ma to decide. I also agree with Alissa(and Nickie, and Sarah, and Claire), I don't think that Abba has even noticed Ma's new confidence.

  6. Disagree with Claire. I think he's been with the family long enough, besides those few months, your family... those are the people these people are the closest to. It's definitely noticeable. It's a huge change in her persona.
    No, I don't think he's noticed, but if he did, he seems like the kindof rational person who would jut understand that she kinda HAD to change this dramatically in order to function without him.
    BTW, Sara. Excellent Rachel Ray reference. :-)

  7. The sudden self confidence boost that she has might have surprised some of her family like Nadira but may not want to talk about it, considering their current situation. I also agree with Rebecca, it's like her purple jacket is protecting her from all of the people who would have stared. Like in the beginning of the book: "Should Ma wear slacks and a sweater so she doesn't stand out so much?" Pg.2
    Maybe since she has spent so much time in that one place she stayed for son long changed her.

  8. Great (b)log Sara! I think Ma has changed a lot too! It seems that Abba's attitude has changed too, so far he seems comfortable with it, or he hasn't noticed much. Maybe Ma will be the one to pull the family to Canada, or she will get a job if/hopefully when they get citizenship.

  9. I don't think Abba has noticed either. I think it is more likely that he has been to ill to pay much attention to that kind of things. I really like how you had links the way you did! Great blog Sara! :)

  10. It's interesting, I've noticed on both the blog people have been thinking a little about whether or not Nadira's family will try to go to Canada again, or stay here. What does everyone think they'll do?

  11. To answer your question/agreeing with Alissa, I don't even think Abba has noticed. He seems so down, and so does Aisha. Nadira and Ma are pretty much the only ones that have changed. I also think that the purple coat gives Ma confidence, by the description form the book.

  12. I like what Rebecca said about Ma's purple coat being a protection blanket, that pretty much sums it up I think! To answer Claire's question, I think that the main reason that Abba doesn't notice Ma's confidence is that he has been in detainment, but maybe there is another reason, like he sees Ma as how Aisha used to be, so calm and confident. Now Aisha is the uneasy down-in-the-dumps one in the family. I also like what you said Claire, about Abba being more comfortible with woman's strengths then Uncle is.

  13. That purple poncho-coat-thing you linked scared me...

    I don't think that Abba has taken the effort to notice how confident Ma has become. He seems to out of it to care. He doesn't seem like himself anymore...
    I think the reason that Ma wears the coat all the time is because she wore it all the time when she was alone, when she had gained her confidence and learned how to be independent, and she never wants to forget that. She never wants to forget how she's a changed woman. I'm thinking she might also be afraid that if she takes it off, she'll stop being her confident self.
    To answer Alissa's question: My guess is that the family will gain residence in America. Like I said on your (Alissa's) blog, I just have a feeling that this book will end on a happier note.

  14. Abba DOES seem too out-of-it to notice Ma's new strength... I agree with everyone.
