Sunday, March 22, 2009

Chapter 15

"They ask about how Abba is doing and how the case is going, and they know all about Aisha and how she may be valedictorian. 128"

We always talk about how Aisha and Nadira have changed, but I think this quote really shows how Ma has changed since we last heard from her. We left her on the curb in a purple raincoat. She was shy, and didn't want to stand out. Now she is talking all about a matter that both Nadira and Aisha have kept hush hush about, that Abba is in jail. She seems to be much more bold and social than she used to be.

Also, since we were talking about reactoins in Nickie and Robin's blog this weekend, I wonder how Ma and Abba will react to the whole Aisha's life is going down the tube situation. Ma is obviously VERY proud of Aisha, because she is telling people she doesn't know very well all about her achievments. I also think she was telling these people about Aisha because it was one of the only things she could be proud of right now.

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