Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Chapter 9

"If I say that is angry, he explained, then I should never be surprised by the harm.  And if I say something good, then it is like watching my own garden grow, and that is the greatest pleasure ever. 79"

I really enjoyed this quote because it really showed me something about how to be a good person.  I think Ali-Uncle is a good person to take advice from because he always thinks before he talks.  I think that this quote can be thought of as your good character.  If you say something hurtful, then there might be a bad consequence.  If you say good things, then your good character will grow.  Think of this garden of the garden of character.  I wonder if Nadria and Aisha's garden will grow...


  1. Wow Sara. I really like that quote too. I agree that Ali-Uncle seems like a nice person and I'd like him as an Uncle. Wouldn't you? Nadira also says that that's what her and Aisha are doing. "We're planting a garden with our words. Our future."
    I think they're garden will grow. But I wonder how much...

  2. To answer your half-question, I think that Nadira and Aisha's gardens will grow. In my newest blog post I wrote about how I think that Aisha is really changing. I think that her garden will grow. I think that Nadira's garden will also grow. I wonder (like Talia) how large their gardens will grow.

    My blog post: http://gmsmayaz.blogspot.com/2009/03/blog-6.html

  3. I really like the sentences you choose. My sentences that I picked was about a garden too. I think that one of the themes in this book is a garden. I agree with what Maya said, I think that Aisha has changed a lot, in chapter 9 she didn't called Nadira one mean name except Aisha did say that Tareq was stupid. I think that Ali-Uncle is someone that a lot of people should look up to because he always knows when to say the right thing to make someone feel better.

  4. I really like your metaphors Sara! I kinda think that Ali-Uncle is a little freaky, I don't exactly know why... He just creeps me out. Does anyone else feel this way?

  5. Alissa, I don't think Ali-Uncle is freaky, but he's defiantly not your average guy. I think he's unique, but not freaky.

    Sara, I agree that the garden is the garden of character.

  6. I also think that Ali-Uncle is just very unique. Maybe a little freaky, but just a little. I don't really know how big their gardens are going to get. How big do we really want the gardens to get? I mean, if they get to big(figuratively) they may get a little obnoxious, like before. I too, like so many who commented before me, like the quote Sara choose.

  7. I think he's just a strange character with lots of emotions that he can't control but when they come out it's like a big SURPRISE.
    Sara I also enjoyed that quote, it brought me a lot of peace with the whole garden growing stuff. To answer your question, I think in the end Aisha and Nadira's "Garden" will grow and maybe they won't accept it (the whole sisterly bond thing) but will take in all of it's magical sisterly powers. :D

  8. Maybe Aisha and Nadira will plant a garden together, and they will both be the gardeners of their garden. The only creepy thing that I found about Ali-Uncle is when he puts his hands on their heads, and then they feel calm. Maybe he has magical powers, or maybe he just has a calming presence.

  9. I actually don't think their gardens will grow in this short segment of their lives. the amount of "flowers" that Nadira and Aisha have will not become a larger amount. I think that because they are still teenagers they won't really change their perspective until they understand what other perspectives there are out in the world, and begin to think like that. Dennyce, I love your "sisterly bond" comment, they do seem to have "magical sisterly powers", but what do you think they are?

  10. I agree with Robin. I like Ali-Uncle but he is defenitly unique! :)
    Great metaphor Sara! I really like how you compared a character to the plants. I really like you choice of sentences.

  11. I agree with Maya's answer. And to answer Alissa's question, no, I don't think he's creepy. I think he genuinely has a good heart and the best of intentions and really does care about Nadira's and Aisha's family. Lighthall, great quote! I love it and really agree with what you said about Ali-Uncle.

  12. Uncle Alli is a strange charachter. He is kindof creepy, but in a weird sense where you don't think he should be, but is. It depends, Kat. People can change really quickly or slowly, just depends on the person. I think we are going to see more change in Nadria than Aisha though.
    Lighthall. Your blog reminded me of two things, one, a quote:
    "The dishonest man, you can always trust, it is the honest man you have to watch out for."
    and George Washington. I think I read a picture book when I was little, which said that he was such a good president because when he was little, he was taught to think before he spoke. Anyway...
    I like the garden metaphor. interesting. Nice Blog.

  13. I like what you said kat, about their gardens not growing in this short segment of their lives, cool way of putting it. Julia, that is a strange connection, cool, just strange!(george washington) I kind of liked it though...

  14. great point! i hope Nadira and Aisha's garden will grow. I like but you said Kat, but i kind of dissagree and agree with you. i think that they will try as hard as the can to be good people and save their Abba, and maybe their garden won't grow because they are so young. But saving their father should earn them major points...

  15. To answer Alissa's question, I think that Ali-Uncle dude is also creepy. He's too peaceful. But he is a good person to get advice from. Sara, I liked the quote you chose about the garden. Hopefully Nadira and Aisha will grow to be good people, that love each other, not fight. And hopefully Aisha keeps being nice to Nadira.
